I attempted to pull my sending unit out last night and 2 of the five screws are stuck. Going to try some PB Blaster but I fear I may have to drill them out to remove the old unit and measure the tank. I have a question though..In looking my wiring I have two wires hooked to the existing unit which looks like a Moeller from the top. One wire (looks pink) is bolted down to the center of the unit by a nut. The second, RED is fitted to the male prong on the side of the unit. I have a black and black-green wire that are loose. When I disconnect the RED wire the gauge goes dead, connected reads half of tank.From my research the Pink goes to the back of the Gauge providing the read from the unit but I am unsure what the Red one is for since the diagram from Moeller shows this to be a ground wire. Does the stock unit in the 245 need 12V power? Is the RED wire misplaced or hooked wrong? Sorry for the dumb question but this electrical stuff still kinda puzzles me.Moeller Diagram:http://www.moellermarine.com/aftermarket/frequentlyaskedquestions/sendingunitsampgagesfaq039s/Link to picture on my 245:http://s1309.photobucket.com/albums/s634/Bergertime/?action=view¤t=2CB8A193-A9F4-4E8C-90C7-198BD8875DF6-1908-00000181D7B69F2A_zpsf2fbcbec.jpg&evt=user_media_share
Marc,The problem is that the fuel gauge never reads above a half of a tank even when the tank filled to capacity. That said, do you think the sender is bad as some have mentioned? I will get an Ohm meter and see.. especially since getting the unit out will be more problematic due to two locked screws.
I think CB added a pic to my post...thank you sir! Agreed with you Marc. But at least the green bonding wire is there, spliced together with a ground...
Quote from: "seabob4"I think CB added a pic to my post...thank you sir! Agreed with you Marc. But at least the green bonding wire is there, spliced together with a ground...My pleasure and done to bring your point home. Repaired the member's link to that pic and the Moeller diagram. I re-read his post and it appears to me that there is the possibly (in my mind anyway) that the black and green wires are not connected to anything. Really need BT to confirm.
That is entirely possible at this juncture, CB. Originally, the black and green separated as they followed the fuel fill hose, the black heading either fore or aft (can't remember) to a ground bus, the green on up to the fuel fill...
Do I need multiple grounding locations, i.e Ground Buss and other?