those filters if not changed for a long time, will rust from the inside out, I have seen them develop a hole in the bottom from the rust inside, could very well be clogged.
Quote from: "flounderpounder225"those filters if not changed for a long time, will rust from the inside out, I have seen them develop a hole in the bottom from the rust inside, could very well be clogged.Just like this.
Nice training aids John...
I know this may sound a little excessive, but during the summer. I drain my racor filter , 2 times a month. During the winter, when the boat just sits. I take my racor off the head and put plastic over the head and tape it shut. Then in the spring I replace the filter. I don’t give rust time to build up. My head is sst. I know it’s a ouch, but I think in the long run, its worth the money. When living in a humid area. You have to do everything you can because of that $%$# ethanol gas.