Different angle? Well technically yes. Frontal rather than side but....
I tightened everything up and set additional load and ground buss bars on the back of the cover. The wiring doing down in the pic leads to those bars. They supply power to the Flow Scan, GPS, VHF, Sounder, 12 volt socket and the trim tabs. The additional length of the wires allows me to rest the cover on the storage area below and folds and stores inside the cover when it is in place. If I blow a fuse to any of the above (except the tabs), I have to remove the panel (4 screws). The tabs are fused in the helm behind the binnacle control.
As you can see, everything is old school glass fused but so far I've had good luck with them. Someday, (if I live that long) I'd like to redo the whole setup with a Blue Sea fuse box mounted on the outside of that panel for e-z access.