Quote from: "seabob4"Oh, the old Simpson's Multiplier. Kind of like Avagadro's number...the R in PV=nRT... Bob, neglected to mention...Barely made a "C" in high school calculus. Avoided it like the plague in college.The other subjects that involved talking/bullshitting....good there
Oh, the old Simpson's Multiplier. Kind of like Avagadro's number...the R in PV=nRT...
Quote from: "gran398"Quote from: "seabob4"Oh, the old Simpson's Multiplier. Kind of like Avagadro's number...the R in PV=nRT... Bob, neglected to mention...Barely made a "C" in high school calculus. Avoided it like the plague in college.The other subjects that involved talking/bullsh!tting....good there Sure he even made a C? R is a gas constant (8.314 joules per Kelvin), where Avogrado's (6.022x10^23) which is the number of atoms per unit mole. And Avogrados number is also why October 23rd is known as Mole day in some geek circles. But what do I know, I'm just a dumb Civil E that didn't do well in Chem.
Quote from: "seabob4"Oh, the old Simpson's Multiplier. Kind of like Avagadro's number...the R in PV=nRT... Bob, neglected to mention...Barely made a "C" in high school calculus. Avoided it like the plague in college.The other subjects that involved talking/bullsh!tting....good there
Why is is it never called animal wifery?
All right fellas, I figured it out... CG and CB are both directly relative to the precise placement of the beer cooler... had to go there...