Seems kind of pricey considering the fuel bills your going to have. At $4 a gallon fuel prices you couldn't give me those motors if you run your boat any amount of time. You might get 1.5mpg cruise, probably more like 1 mpg. They are pretty reliable motors... compared to the hpdi's. But they're thirsty. You'd be way ahead to pick up some used four strokes or just go with a single 250-300hp.
Well, he says OBO.
I was thinking maybe 7000 7500
something like that.
Fuel out here in Newport is 5.00 or better as of last week.
Yes, I do keep looking for a newer pair,
they get snatched up really quick it seems?
I always see the ad about 4 or 5 days after it is posted.
My motor just was checked out and the boat goes back in the water in a few days
It is running great, I might just keep it for the summer
Again, like I said, just looking for opinions good or bad
Thanks very much