Yamaha makes a great motor, but the fact is they have the best Marketing Campaign out there, open any fishing mag or watch a fishing show and it's flooded with Yamaha ads, I think that's why you see so many, they are the cool motor to have, I think the Marketing is the first and foremost reason all the boat builders use them, not reliability, who wants to buy a boat without the mighty Yamaha on it.
#1 E-tech basher hereAll the Monday and Friday E-techs most have been sold out here on Pine Island, I'm yet to met a e-tech owner out here that likes there motor period.Want to buy a motor from a company that also makes Snowmobiles and Jets or a company that just concentrates on making only one thing well then buy a Mercury.No matter how good the service center and tech's are it still boils down to how the company warranties the product when there is a issue and all outboards will eventually have something break.Top of the line boat companies either power with merc or yamaha for a reason, small boat companies use e-tech as they offer the best deal to the manafacturers. Google: yellowfin, contender, boston whaler, grady white, Intrepid Sea V, or any top of the line production boat, do you see a single one with a e-tech? Ever wonder why, simply put these companies care more about there customers than making a few extra dollars on a outboard.I'm on my 5th brand new opti and have always ran them 1500hrs plus. I have never had a lower unit or powerhead blow up, thats a pretty good average. My business requires a motor that runs everyday, I live and die by my warranty and how quickly the motor is back in service when it does break.5 people I know well that have owned brand new e-tech's all have had major problems and warranty issues that BRP won't cover. Either they have sold the motors or are currently trying to unload them.You make the call, you might get a mid week motor.Capt Matt