Before you plunk down some serious coin on a new engine how is the Nissan propped? What pitch propeller are you running and what is your full throttle rpm's compared to what the factory calls out? Those are excellent engines which I believe are re badged Tohatsu's and a very bullet proof simple design. You may just have to repitch for tubing and water skiing and the engine will do you just fine. My $.02...
You have prtty much just answered the question. She should be running right there with the 88SPL...upper thirties and taching out around 5500 WOT.If she's mechanically sound as you've indicated...the shipmates are correct...its the prop.
Quote from: "gran398"You have prtty much just answered the question. She should be running right there with the 88SPL...upper thirties and taching out around 5500 WOT.If she's mechanically sound as you've indicated...the shipmates are correct...its the prop.You can twist these 3 cylinder motors pretty tight - OEM specs are 5500-5850 RPM, and you can take them to 6000 without much worry. But you NEED to be running at least 5000 - if not, she's overpropped and you need less pitch. Look on the prop and usually you will find the specs stamped on the hub - something like 13x17 would be my guess.
I don't know what the prop specs were, it had no markings and was on the engine when I bought it, I know the boat got up on plane slow and would only run about 26kts, which was very different than the spl 88 that I had got the boat with, it would run high 30's and be up on plane very quick. after I left last season my brother inlaw brought the prop to the Tohatsu dealer and they sold him a lesser pitched prop, he said it may get up on plane a little faster and still runs the same top speed. I had to screw around most of last season(I was only home for a couple of weeks) with getting the crank re-indexed as it turned out it had been spun when I got it so the top piston was running 20 deg. out of phase, I had hoped upon getting that fixed the motor would run like it should. Compression is good and equal, I have spent litteral hours with Tohatsu tech service on the phone, replaced the Power box, gone through all the settings, had two shops go through all settings, carbs are good and clean and adjusted properly...exhaust passages are clean, reed valves in good shape. It runs smooth and always starts just gutless....I only get home for a few weeks each summer and am tired of screwing around, last year I ended up renting a boat for most of my time home..
I measured tdc of the 3 pistons and marked the flywheel, number one was about 15-20 deg. advanced, which would be what you might expect if something stopped the prop and the inertia of the flywheel continued to twist the crank, something has to give and in this case it was not a key or shear pin. The crank has since been remomved, realligned, and reinstalled. I understand from Tohatsu tech support that this is a common problem. If I am running at full throttle with an overpropped engine such that the engine can't acheive full rpm, wouldn't trimming the motor up until the prop was breaking the surface and slipping in foam cause the rpm to go up? on this engine there is no percepable change in engine rpm when I have tried this. I don't have a tach but based on measured boat speed it seems to be only running about 4k rpm. I will see if my brother inlaw can tell me what he put on for a prop. and if they were able to determine what the prop on the engine was... when they opened up the motor I was hoping they were going to find clogged exhaust passages, as that is how the motor acts, but they assured me it was all clean, not sure if there can be blockage in the lower unit that they would not have seen?