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Author Topic: Need to re-power my 19-6  (Read 966 times)

January 18, 2012, 10:34:22 PM
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Need to re-power my 19-6
« on: January 18, 2012, 10:34:22 PM »
Greetings, I picked up my '71 19-6 last year for $3200 with a '84 75hp running pretty rough. Figured being pretty mechanically inclined I could get a few more years out of the motor before repowering. Well I got it running ok but then hit a log and took off half of the cavitation plate. I no longer want to put any more money into this motor so I'm looking at repowering.

I have been looking at the 90hp and 115hp etec's and can afford one in the sense that I could buy one without putting myself in the poorhouse. However i do feel that putting a $10,000 motor on a $3000 hull is sorta rediculous, even if it is an aquasport :lol:

The transom was rebuilt as factory height and a jack plate rated to 115hp is currently holding the broken merc. When launching the boat I find the stern is just barley above water all ready and can't imagine another 150lbs of motor is gonna help in that regards.

I live in CT and can only use it for 4 months a year. I launch it every time I use it, probably 150hrs a year at most.

Pics are on the last page of this thread

What do you guys think, I could:
A) find a used motor to get me buy for a few years?
B) Bite the bullet and drop $10000 on a motor that I can use for the next 15+ years and keep restoring my aquasport?
C) Sell this one (which I love and have put 100's of hours and dollars into) and buy one already restored and repowered?
D) Quit whining and pick one myself because this isn't the right forum for these questions?

Thanks for any insight, my wife just says do whatever I want.....which is nice but doesn't help me make this decision.

January 18, 2012, 11:29:36 PM
Reply #1


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Re: Need to re-power my 19-6
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2012, 11:29:36 PM »
I heard Mercury had some crazy low sale prices on outboards.  Did you consider one of those?
1998 Explorer w/ Etec 250

1987 170 w/ Evinrude 90

January 18, 2012, 11:47:09 PM
Reply #2


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Re: Need to re-power my 19-6
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2012, 11:47:09 PM »
Quote from: "wingtime"
I heard Mercury had some crazy low sale prices on outboards.  Did you consider one of those?

No, but I've heard good things about the optimax. A quick search puts a 115 about 1000 less than the etec but doesn't include controls. The current etec sale includes controls and a five year warrantee if not financed. puts them about even in price I think. If I go new I'm thinking etec. If I go used I'm just gonna get the newest engine I can find sub $2000 in a 115.

Could end up being a merc I guess. No local shops would work on mine though, omc only. Finally took my merc to a dealer and got a $200 bill saying they couldn't find the problem. Kinda put off because of that, it was a 1984 motor

January 18, 2012, 11:56:48 PM
Reply #3


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Re: Need to re-power my 19-6
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2012, 11:56:48 PM »
This might be a candidate. From Minnesota, I would guess its a freshwater unit. Doesn't say anything about how many hours. ... 500wt_1287

Do you still have the scupper holes in the transom? Steep ramps like the ones around here can be a pain. It  is really nice to look back and see a foot of water pouring over the top!
       1983 222 Osprey "Slipaway"
       1973 19-6 "Emily Lynn"

January 19, 2012, 05:56:33 AM
Reply #4

Blue Agave

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Re: Need to re-power my 19-6
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2012, 05:56:33 AM »
Another thing to consider is the weight of both motors. I'd imagine the optimax weighs more than the etec.  What's wrong with the current controls?  Are they not compatible with the Mercury?  Did you consider have a new skeg welded on?

1975 19-6
3.0 EFI Mercury 150 4S
"Don't count the days make the days count." - Muhammad Ali

January 19, 2012, 10:52:37 AM
Reply #5


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Re: Need to re-power my 19-6
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2012, 10:52:37 AM »
Quote from: "Blue Agave"
Another thing to consider is the weight of both motors. I'd imagine the optimax weighs more than the etec.  What's wrong with the current controls?  Are they not compatible with the Mercury?  Did you consider have a new skeg welded on?

With a new etec they would need to be replaced, with an older merc I guess they would still work. Key switch, tilt harness would be different on just about everything.

Skeg is fine, the log jammed between the prop and cavitation plate, snapping half of it off. I just don't see putting anymore money int a 28 year old motor that even the merc dealer can't fix.

January 19, 2012, 11:01:55 AM
Reply #6

Blue Agave

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Re: Need to re-power my 19-6
« Reply #6 on: January 19, 2012, 11:01:55 AM »
I can certainly understand wanting a new motor. I'm a Mercury man, so if it were me I'd go the Mercury route. One thing to consider is service, timely and good service should also be a factor in your decision.

1975 19-6
3.0 EFI Mercury 150 4S
"Don't count the days make the days count." - Muhammad Ali

January 19, 2012, 11:13:55 AM
Reply #7


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Re: Need to re-power my 19-6
« Reply #7 on: January 19, 2012, 11:13:55 AM »
Don't be put off on Mercury because you went to a dealer that clearly didn't know what they are doing and charged you $200 for nothing.  If you find a proper Merc mechanic they should have no trouble fixing an older motor since they are really simple motors.  Cavitation plates can be repaired.  Problem is sounds like your in an area where there may no be a shop the does them all the time.  I'm sure you can find a good lower unit around to put on that motor.  Even if you decide to repower later on at least you will be able to get some money for your current motor if it is in working order.

For good online advise on Mercs go to The Marine Dr. website and forum. He's a Merc guy.
1998 Explorer w/ Etec 250

1987 170 w/ Evinrude 90

March 13, 2012, 08:25:11 PM
Reply #8


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Re: Need to re-power my 19-6
« Reply #8 on: March 13, 2012, 08:25:11 PM »
So I'm still on the fence about a new motor. A friend of mine had a 19-6 with a 115 that died, he replaced it with a 90 4 stroke and it cruised at the same speed. Maybe the 90 etec would be a better choice than the 115. 300lbs for the 90 vs 380lbs for the 115. Only about $1000 difference though. The transom seems pretty low to the water all ready, maybe a lighter motor would be the better choice?

March 13, 2012, 10:09:27 PM
Reply #9

Blue Agave

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Re: Need to re-power my 19-6
« Reply #9 on: March 13, 2012, 10:09:27 PM »
Go with the 115, the motor will not have to work as hard.

1975 19-6
3.0 EFI Mercury 150 4S
"Don't count the days make the days count." - Muhammad Ali

March 14, 2012, 09:08:58 AM
Reply #10


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Re: Need to re-power my 19-6
« Reply #10 on: March 14, 2012, 09:08:58 AM »
sounds like your transom is dipping low only when you launch, cause of the ramp slope right?  If thats the case then the weight of the motor won't have much of an effect on what happens when you launch.  Does the boat sit OK in the water after the launch?

Doesn't somebody make something to repair the cavitation plate?  Like the bolt on skeg repair?  Or is too much already broken off?

Finding another boat with good power will probably just open another can of worms, I'd never be able to keep from messing with it till I got it just the way I wanted it, like the first boat.

A new/newer motor on an old boat is a sensible choice.  Have you looked at used motors with powerhead warranties?  Assuming the most expensive choice gets you 25% better fuel burn it seems like you'd save around $700 to $1000 a year based on how much you use the boat.  And agree with everyone else on the 90 vs 115, go with the 115, it'll be happier back there, more prop choices, & re-sale will be much better.

March 14, 2012, 04:11:24 PM
Reply #11


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Re: Need to re-power my 19-6
« Reply #11 on: March 14, 2012, 04:11:24 PM »
Quote from: "superjuice"

I have been looking at the 90hp and 115hp etec's and can afford one in the sense that I could buy one without putting myself in the poorhouse. However i do feel that putting a $10,000 motor on a $3000 hull is sorta rediculous, even if it is an aquasport :lol:

Thanks for any insight, my wife just says do whatever I want.....which is nice but doesn't help me make this decision.

If the $$ is not a HUGE deal, and you are going to keep the boat because it is "the one" and more importantly the Big Boss has given you the green light then get the motor you want, me spending your money would put a 115 on the hull, because there is no replacement for displacement for all the previously posted reasons...  Will you get the $13000 out of the boat that you have into it? If you run it for the next ten years, that point is really irrelevant because of the "psychic income" (joy/bugs in your teeth from grinning) that you will have earned cranking around.   So do what will work for you..  I don't think if you go with a 115 that you will say "gee I wish I didn't have all this POWER"..... :D  :D

88 222 Osprey
00 Yamaha OX66 150
CAS # 2590


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