My main concern is that it's gonna start getting cold soon.....and I believe, you need above 50 weather for glass work, right? I'm hoping to have all the glass work done, then paint and rig the boat in the spring.
I know what your problem is, it kind a sneaks up on you and before you know it, your are is the slumps of boat re building. Most of the guys on this board have had various degrees of the symptoms and we all talked about it several months ago. You probably mist this conversation and I don’t remember which topic it was on but, I can help you. Your problem is that you have made a major mistake in all you calculations, you for got to add a major factor in your project. That factor is called the BEER FACTOR you must add a portion of your time and energy in this very important part of boat building (its like vitamins) if you are going to stay on track with your boat. For example, if you don’t consider the Beer Factor in a transom replacement you will have problems. If I can remember correctly, it’s something like this. Transom job = 10 Days work X Cost of job X Nastiness of job = “THE BEER FACTOR”. 10X $500 X 4 ON THE NASTY LIST = 6 TO 10 SIX PACKS OF BEER.If you have not factored this formula than boat building blues will definitely set in. Not to worry, you can get help and rejuvenate your self by simply taking the day off go the grocery get the proper brand and sit by you boat and look at all the work you have done and sip,sip,sip, think of all the fun you will have after the project is finished and sip, sip, sip, through away your anticipated date of completion and sip, sip, sip. After a few hrs or rejuvenation you will start feeling fine again. “TRUST ME ON THIS ONE”FellowShip "
Is the "Precision blend" oil injection reliable? Everyone seems to crap on the VRO OMC systems...
I guess there are a few preventative maint measures to make sure that pump keeps going, I'll take a look into it.