I've been a little frustrated with the discoloration on my hull below the water line. Not sure where it comes from but I guess the launch ramp area. Anyway, I had tried Fiberglas restorers, several cleaners, etc. Someone on this site had recommended Oxalic Acid - I finally found some at a local hardware store this weekend. 2 Tablespoons in a quart of hot water and the hull is clean....no rubbing, no scrubbing. Wipe it on...rinse it off. Even rust stains and some other long-term 'unidentifiable' discolorations are gone. So...Thanks to whoever suggested it!
It does take the wax off, so I'll re-wax after work this week. And not a good idea on anything that isn't white...it will bleach. (FYI: It's marketed as a 'wood deck cleaner' - the Lowe's/Home Depot guys looked at me "like a chicken lookin' at a card trick" when I asked for Oxalic Acid).
And I'll tell you...renovating a boat is nothing compared to getting photos uploaded to this site! I'm determined to put a couple of pictures of my 170 on here for 'reference'. Even my 91 year-old mother has a great Facebook page...maybe I'll get HER to do this! I'm so lame.