Here is the latest on my warning beeping sounds. I had a mechanic look at it and he opened the cowl on my outboard and I believe did something minor like open the cover of the secondary oil tank and put it back on and the beeping stopped. For a long time. He asked me if I filled the oil through the left lid on the oil tank (the starboard) or the right (the port). I had always filled it through the port side lid (the one with the 2 hoses coming out of the lid) because I had very little leverage to unscrew the starboard one and it was screwed down very tightly (this is the one that says "unvented" on the lid). The mechanic told me to always fill it from the left side. So I just filled the oil again this week, through the port lid and my problem started up again. Beeped for a few minutes at startup, then stopped. Then started to beep slowly and intermittantly during my 30 minute cruise. I anchored at a beach for 3 hours, started her up again, and again, she beeped for about 3 minutes. Proceeded very slowly for about 5 minutes because I was in a no wake zone and she was OK. Then I throttled up for my 30 minute cruise home and she beeped rhythmically and constantly the whole trip home. Then throttled down for my marina access and she stopped. This is driving me crazy and also becoming expensive with the mechanic fees. I put in a work order again today for him to look at it. Can I ask you people, do I fill the oil through the port (unvented) lid or through the right (the one with the hoses to the engine) lid? Why is there a difference. It seems to me that opening either lid releases the pressure in the tank and it has to build up again on start up. I don't get it and am becoming very discouraged. Any thoughts? Thanks, Dave