Thank you for contacting me about the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) granting LightSquared Subsidiary LLC a conditional waiver of the Ancillary Terrestrial Component "integrated serviceā rule to build a new wireless broadband network. I have heard concerns over possible interference with the U.S. Global Positioning System or GPS from constituents like you, as well as the Department of Defense. I take these interference claims very seriously. The FCC is responsible for making sure that companies using our airwaves do not disrupt existing services like GPS. To help them in that role, the FCC gathers and reviews comments from the public to inform their decision making. If you would like to comment on the Lightsquared Technical Working Group Report (IB Docket 11-109), go to For additional instructions on how to file comments, please go to As a member of the Senate Commerce Committee, I have oversight of the FCC and our nation's airwaves. I have been monitoring this LightSquared situation closely. I appreciate your being involved on matters that are important to our nation's public safety. Please do not hesitate to contact me in the future if I can be of assistance. Sincerely,Senator Bill Nelson