I am new to the sight, and have enjoyed many of the threads. I am beginning the extreme makover of a 1986 271. I will be enclosing the transom, adding a twin bracket, and powering with 2000 OX66 225's. I have bought 200 gallons of new fuel tanks, 30 gal of H2O, and a 75 gal livewell that will be under the Birdsall leaning post. The tower and bow rail are coming off (I will make an exceptional deal to anyone interested) and a T-top somewhere in the 8'w x 10'l hardtop will be built soon.
I intend to use 26# Coosa board to replace the transom. My question is: Is it better to use a 1.5" solid piece, or laminate (3) 1/2", or (2) 3/4" pieces together? I have never used the stuff and I am looking for input. The demolition has begun. Will post pics as soon as my wife figures out how.
Thanks in advance,