So I had an issue yesterday with my motor, pretty scary too.
Was out in a short period swell when some significant wind picked up yesterday. Decided to turn around and head in to be safe. in doing so throttled back changed course and proceeded to add throttle when the motor bogged and died.
Making matters worse, earlier in the day, tried running the kicker for some bounce ball halibut and it it wouldn't kick over.
, tried starting back up, put-put..nothing.
!! Checked fuel, checked bulb, all good. Add throttle start, same. F@(#!! Add choke/enricher fired right up. Made it back to port, when throttling back same thing..bog to nothing. tried a start, nothing. add choke fired up.
Back at the wash, she fired up and idled fine for a 5 minute rinse.
Motor had been run for a few hours that day with no issues. I'm thinking dirty carb, or dirty fuel line.
Sound right to you?