Bob what do you think about a rheostat for the pannel back lighting especially the compass? With it mounted up high like that where it can be seen (perfect spot) would it be a good idea to make it dimable? Gotta watch out for night blindness
Juz wonderin... The ones that I have used would booger up after a fashion and needed regular use to keep the crud off the pot.. Not sure if there have been improvements in the last 20 years..
I installed a new Ritchie F-82 compass in the 22-2 with a very subtle green light that does produce any glare at night. Just an FYI, I'll show it to Scott when he is here.
Love Ritchie Compasses!!! But then, I like compasses period. Chittiest, nastiest day, raining like hell, visibility almost 0, hold one in your hand, you know which way you're going. Hold a GPS/Chartplotter in your hand with no power, you have a paper weight...