So, after determining that both engine's rigging and the steering hoses would fit in the rigging sleeve...Here's what I have come up with, albeit all totally temporary pending approval...and new rigging sleeving...,Keep in mind, no primer bulbs in the pick as that involves cutting fuel lines, and I don't think we're ready to do that yet.This ain't gonna be easy, especially getting the holes cut in the sleeving for each break-out point. And I STILL don't like poking holes in that pretty transom. Had to drill 2 today (don't worry, c'sunk, no gel chipping) to secure the rigging and give it the "look" I wanted...
Great job Bob! Why not put the bulbs in the same place you had them on the first rigging attempt? Scotty, the tortoise is approaching the finish line. are 15/16th's W by 1 11/16th's H