What about a horn? I assume a flush mount with a nice stainless cover? http://www.ebay.com/itm/PONTOON-BOAT-12 ... c4&vxp=mtr http://www.ebay.com/itm/HORN-HIDDEN-FLU ... 04&vxp=mtr
The Old Man had the T-0Ahttp://www.kahlenberg.com/yacht.html?gclid=CKvX1sKxp7UCFU-d4AodThcA5w#20Had a separate compressor and tank.. What a great sound!! http://www.kahlenberg.com/T-0Ae.wav There was never any doubt when he wanted to catch your attention ....Scotty that'd fit right on top of the T top , 'course she might be a little slow on the righting after a roll, but folks would hear you coming?! 8) 8)