Bob the only breakers are on the switches,i guess i'm doing it like cdoyal,this is just for the gps ect, no switch panel needed ,i already run the stereo of the acc switch.I'm wide open for suggestions on this.And nice to see you over at FS they need your common sense there.
Thanks bob i like that answer,it's cheaper.It used to be alot better,all die hards for boating and fishing,then they went to a new format and with that a new breed of know it all rich guys came on and alot of people left including me, went about a year without going on,can't even say why i'm back now,curiosity maybe or boredom,only go there when this place slows down.
Thanks for the highlight i should have done that,and that contender thread will live forever it seems,it started and died on FS and lives on over there.
Tell us about the cast net....damn if I don't love a nice cast net.
Scott, Gran,First, Scott, that is a PISSER on your new cast net! Man, I live and die on my castnet, old as , but a 12 footer and I've grown used to throwing it. I've repaired a few holes (my doing!), but she gets me my greenbacks and pinfish.There is so much that goes on behind the scenes at boat builders. I am almost tired of talking about it. But sometimes, when one is so closely associated, it's hard not to.I feel it's time to get out on my own, to use my knowledge of 16 years in the business and help others, which in turn will help myself, and my family. Keep you guys posted. After all, this site really is my home. Hey, a seed never drops far from the tree, does it?Bob C