anyone has one for the 225??
for a boat thats an inch wider and 2 feet longer, there isn't that much weight difference. I can see that the 250 has a bigger tank, and 2 feet more of room( which i didnt really notice) . Is there a major difference on ride quality compare to the two? bow height? Price wise they are selling close to the same, all the ones i been looking at have a single 225 yama or 250 yamaha on it.
Dave,I purchased a 2000 250 Explorer last April. Before I bought the 250 I had the chance to test out two different 225's. One was a 2001 model and the other was a 2003. As soon as I got into the 250 it had the feeling of a bigger boat. I'm pretty sure that the 250 is 2 foot bigger in the cockpit and not the cabin. It was the deciding factor on the boat since I was more interested in the fishing room rather than the cabin space. Whatever you decide I'm sure you will be pleased. Best Wishes,P.J.