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Author Topic: Holes in Transom - damp wood  (Read 616 times)

November 30, 2009, 03:44:48 PM
Read 616 times


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Holes in Transom - damp wood
« on: November 30, 2009, 03:44:48 PM »
I have few small 1/8" drill holes in the transom that were filled in with silicone by the previous owner. The holes are below the water line, possible from a transducer. Over the weekend I pulled the silicone out and drilled slightly larger holes about 1/4" and I was planning on filling them with epoxy. When I pulled the drill bit out some wood stuck to the bit and it was damp to wet in each of the 4 holes.  :thumbdown:  Im at a loss for what to do.  Do I drill even larger holes, let it dry out and then fill?  Any advise would be great, thanks

1975 19-6 - 90hp Tohatsu

November 30, 2009, 04:58:37 PM
Reply #1


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Re: Holes in Transom - damp wood
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2009, 04:58:37 PM »
Its not worth fixing! Too much trouble! You don't want to even try! I'll give you fifty bucks and you can keep the motor! :wink:

No, really, I mean it! LOL

I would think you can just fill it like you were going to. You had told me there is no flex.
It is 34 years old! When it starts to flex you know what you have to do. If you don't trust it ,fix it now. Just imagine what the other ones would have been like if you had bought any of them. Mine for now is dry, mostly from the fact it hasn't been in the water for over five years.
The transom really isn't that hard to do. It could be worse, it could have wood stringers! :thumright:
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December 02, 2009, 08:38:28 AM
Reply #2


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Re: Holes in Transom - damp wood
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2009, 08:38:28 AM »
Lewis, your right its not worth fixing.:cry:   Tell you what, give me One Hundred dollars, I keep the motor and Its yours.

Ha, you wish sucka. :lol:

Thanks for the info, Im not overly worried about the damp wood, I just wanted to find out the best way to patch up the holes.  I was also thinking about drilling a few new holes around the current ones to help the drying process.  I know this might sound simple to some, But I just want to know if Im the right track or is there a better way.

1975 19-6 - 90hp Tohatsu

December 02, 2009, 03:52:39 PM
Reply #3


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Re: Holes in Transom - damp wood
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2009, 03:52:39 PM »
I think it will take several hundred holes for the wood to even begin to dry out if ever.  Your on the right track for the repair.  I found a bunch of patched holes in my transom along with a few open holes hiding under the vinyl water line stripe!  I drilled mine out with a larger bit...  maybe a tad larger than 1/4"  then I hit them with a countersink bit.  I filled them with a mixture of epoxy, milled fibers and glass mat that I chopped up with scissors that was about the consistency of runny peanut butter.  After filling the holes I covered them up with either tape or wax paper to keep the surface flat and the epoxy from running out.

good luck!
1998 Explorer w/ Etec 250

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