Rick,Liner- I took a good look, and my rod area seems exactly the same as yours, with the same liner and wood inserts and everything. The only difference is that mine has that strip of wood at the bottom that covers the seam. Don't I see screw holes in yours, where that strip used to be? Later today, I'll take better pictures of the area, to be sure.
Gas Tank- I have what appears to be the same gas tank, but interestingly, mine is spun 180*, as my fill cap is on the right, not the left.
Hatch- The single hatch in the front is not so great, especially the fact that the stupid wood spin-stops don't hold the front in very tight, and it always wants to jump out. I jammed some shims in there, and it's held for a couple of trips, but if I take them out, it will go right back to the way it was. Do you know of any way to get to the backs of those bolts that hold the wooden spin-stops?
Rub rail- Yes, mine has the original rub rail. The insert has shrunken a little, and pulled forward at the ends, but I could pull it back down if I cared enough. I have to look and see if the end cap is on the other side, as the one on the starboard side is gone. Badge- I'll have to take a careful look at my one good badge. Maybe it's worth molding, maybe not. It seems that many people would like to buy yours! How much would you ask for a pair? And by the way, thanks for the discussion. Learning about these boats in interesting. Actually makes me want to restore this boat, instead of just using it as a beater.-TH