Good Luck BillSo you purchased another boat - a Grady - have any pics?Hope we were able to help you in the restoration you made to the boat. What became of it - sold?
I may set up a mechanics lean on the work performed/material cost . {I'm just not sure how to do it ?}I'm not familiar with NY laws but in Fla. the lien process is convoluted at best. Liens filed for work performed on vehicles can restrict transfer of title (think sale) until satisfied but that doesn't get your funds returned until sale. Construction liens require filing of documents (notices) at given times in order to retain lien rights. I certainly don't know what the procedure is in NY but again, that's how lawyers make payments on boats :o (and other things)Bill
Bob Thanks,I also just found out that the company john works for{A private garbage company called going green}just had a "shame on you" piece done on them due to mixing all recycling/waste in the same truck on every stop. And they lost thier license for doing it !