I"m repeating my other reply that disappeared. I seriously doubt anything was done to your transmissions. 1000 RPM is a sizable difference in speed.
Did you own the boat during or before the rebuild? Or are you going by information that the previous owner gave you? I believe the WOT setting range for those engines (along with mine) is 4000 to 4500RPM. 4800 is kinda pushing it, especially for engines that old. When they were rebuilt, the mechanics probably set them at the safe end of factory spec's. I run mine at 4000RPM at WOT to make them last a little longer. After putting together a bunch of data between speed, RPM, fuel burn, and weight, my prop shop determined that I need 19" props with a 17" pitch. (thats with a generator, full load of fuel and water, and tipping the scales around 15,000 lbs.) I think it would save you more in the long run to get your props retuned and making your engine last longer.