i just fixed my brothers boat he crashed and it looks good. he hit a piling and put a hole in the front of a flats boat. after all the fiberglassing im ready to paint here is what it looks like
a indention that was fiberglassed back perfect it went through the underside of the hull. the upper half of the hull is blue and the lower is white. it went through both colors i know how to do the blue but i dont know what to do to the white bottom half.
Do i need to gelcoat it or bottom paint i have no idea?
the white part on the bottom i dont want to paint. what do i put on it to protect the fiberglass from the water. it has a filler on it now so that it is smooth. for the top that is blue i am using the interlux (perfection) top side two part polyurathane paint i just need to know how and what to do to the bottom