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Author Topic: transom cavity shape  (Read 592 times)

March 15, 2007, 04:23:21 PM
Read 592 times


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transom cavity shape
« on: March 15, 2007, 04:23:21 PM »
Got the engine hoisted off my boat (thanks for suggestions and ideas).

I have a question about the shape of transom cavity on the Express Fisherman, 1981, 24'6" boat.  It is a low transom for an outboard like on a lot of CCPs; i.e. the transom cap is lower than the gunwales and the transom has risers on either end to meet the gunwales.  When I looked through the access holes in the splash well and the holes in the corners of the risers on the transom it looks as if the transom cavity where the wood is never goes above the top of the transom cap.  In fact, from where the transom cap joins the risers it looks as if the cavity makes a steep curve down to the bottom corners of the transom.  Is that what others have seen?

The question is important b/c I want to remove the outside skin, which in spite of the cosmetic problems going back (I have some very experienced help with this part), offers the quickest and easiest way in.  As I would need to cut a pattern with 3"s to spare all round, it would be important to neither over cut or undercut.  If I am correct about this shape, then it would be unnecessary to cut the skin around the whole exterior of the transom including the risers.

If anyone knows about this, I would be glad to hear.



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