What is your plan for hull color and is it paint or gelcoat? Reason I ask is you've got a little work ahead of you building up, tieing in and fairing the cutout from the outside.
Gelcoat has quite the learning curve but I would imagine that paint has a similar curve. However, where people shy away from gelcoat is in the finishing process. Unlike paint where prep is absolutely critical up front, gelcoat just requires a flat surface because the "prep" and the final finishing (which is fairly labor intensive) is on the back end (obviously within reason). However, there are product like Duratec High Gloss Additive that thin the gelcoat for the last few coats to help it lay down. The upside to paint is the long term gloss and the upside to gelcoat is its durability and longevity. I personally have decided to do all my rebuilds in Gelcoat for durability and longevity while keeping colors light so the gloss is easier to keep. If your going with the same dark green on the hullside, I would stick to a good quality paint unless you are good with the upkeep of polishing and sealing the gelcoat every other season or so and are willing to pay someone to soda blast ALL the paint that's already on the boat (because gelcoat wont adhere to paint, it has to go straight to fiberglass or original gelcoat). Hope that helps.