Hello all. Really enjoying the site so far. I am the recent owner of a 1999 Aquasport 175. I love it. I am starting to make it like new again.
1. I am wondering where I can purchase new gauges for this panel (pictured) I want to make sure whatever I get is compatible. These are the original gauges. I want to install brand new ones. If anyone has links to gauges that will work, that would be great!
2. I am going to keep all the wiring as it seems fine. However, when I connect everything back to the old gauges, should I use any sort of anti corrosion? If so, what do you reccomend. I enjoy doing things the right way for piece of mind. I am even going to use a wire brush on all the little connectors, or whatever I can get in them to scuff them a bit before installing them back on hopefully the new gauges.
3. A few of the circuit breakers were bad. The connectors rusted or broke off. So I am going to replace them. Is it common for the breakers to go bad internally? Should I replace all 7 of them while I am doing all this?
4. Will also entertain the idea of getting a new panel face if anyone knows where to get one? Mine is a little cracked where the screws go in as you can see.
Here are images of the gauges. I want to replace ALL of them.
Thank you all!