The big chunks of your plan are spot on. I recommend an oscillating multi tool to cut out the old core. It makes less dust than grinding out the core. Once the underside is clean and prepped, you’re ready for glueing. This is more or less the same depending on what resin you’re useing, but there are subtle differences. For example add thickeners to epoxy after mixing A & B, but add thickeners to poly/vinylester prior to adding catalyst.
1. Hot coat your core with catalyzed but unthickened resin. This will help insure a good bond by avoiding a resin starved joint.
2. Use silica, (AKA Cabosil, fumed silica or colloidal silica) to thicken resin for glue. You’re after a mayonnaise consistency. Spread with a notched trowel To get uniform application of glue.
3. Press core into place and weight to clamp. (You can get as fancy as you want here with vacuumed bagging etc, but for a one off this is overkill.
4. Clean up any squeeze out of resin.
5. When cured glass the underside of your core.
There are many subtleties and tips and tricks that will make things easier. Two biggies are:
Bevel your core, so the glass will lay better in the transition between core and lid.
When ever possible perform steps when the resin has set, but before it is fully cured To minimize sanding. With epoxy, this usually means day 1 hot coat. Let it tack. Glue In core. Day two glass core. If you can dent the resin with a thumbnail, you’re ok to add glass without sanding.