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Author Topic: Converting Side Mount to Binnacle  (Read 510 times)

February 06, 2020, 03:13:15 PM
Read 510 times


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Converting Side Mount to Binnacle
« on: February 06, 2020, 03:13:15 PM »
Interesting rigging hack, for anyone switching from side mount controls to binnacle mount. Perhaps this is obvious to everyone else, but I almost spent a bunch of money unnecessarily before the lightbulb popped on in my head:

You can take the guts out of a side mount control box, and use them in a binnacle mount setup. The ignition and emergency shutoff (and choke assembly if it's separate) can be drilled and threaded through the console panel and the PTT/neutral safety wires plug right into a binnacle shifter. Uses the same wiring harness so you don't even have to buy that. Saved me like $400 to not have to buy all of that separately, all I had to do was find a second had binnacle and plug everything into it.

Anyway, thought I'd share.  Doesn't seem to be much on the internet about this, but figured I'd maybe save someone else some cash too.


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