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Author Topic: mercury 90hp elpto wont rev up?  (Read 556 times)

July 13, 2018, 10:08:51 PM
Read 556 times


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mercury 90hp elpto wont rev up?
« on: July 13, 2018, 10:08:51 PM »
have an 02 mercury two stroke 90hp, saltwater series if it matters, engine was stored I thought properly, carbs drained engine fogged, strapped on a pallet for a few years in a heated garage. anyway put it on boat this year and it fires up, but when cold only fires up with some throttle, once running you can hit the key and it will idle 80% of the time, but it will not rev over 3000rpm, sounds pretty good up til then, then it will bog, and occassionaly make a few quick little purrs like it wants to get on the pipe and rev up. but it wont rev up. I put new plugs in, changed the boats fuel water seperator, new primer bulb. took it out a few days ago, did the same thing only i noticed the primer bulb collapsing, basically the engine was sucking it shut, i thought fuel issue, so as i said changed filter etc... even tried running it off of a remote tank tonight and still it wont rev up, put it in neutral and it will rev, but under a load not happening. we cruised up the river at a nice 6mph! im not sure what to try next. the motor has very few hours on it, actually the prop still has paint out to the tips
01 Aquasport Tournament Cat

July 14, 2018, 12:49:25 AM
Reply #1


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Re: mercury 90hp elpto wont rev up?
« Reply #1 on: July 14, 2018, 12:49:25 AM »
Fuel bulb sucking shut is an indication of a blockage in the fuel system. The antisiphon valve on the fuel tank (looks like a barb) I'd the usual culprit.

Very low hours on a 16 year old engine does not mean there is nothing wrong. Where has it been? Critters can get into all kinds of places while in storage. Trust me I bought a pair of 2005 250 Etec with only 100 hours on them and one of them was siezed just from sitting. I found bugs hiding inside hoses. Some wires chewed on. A beetle hanging out in a cylinder. Etc etc. Dried out fuel lines and rubber can be an issue too.  An engine like yours needs to be fully serviced and inspected before putting it into service. I would pay extra attention to the fuel system. This includes a tear down of the carbs and cleaning them. Also inspect the stator and trigger coils. Sounds like your engine is going lean. Lean is bad. A single cylinder or more going lean will melt that thing in a hurry. I'd also perform a compression check.
1998 Explorer w/ Etec 250

1987 170 w/ Evinrude 90

July 19, 2018, 02:12:20 PM
Reply #2


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Re: mercury 90hp elpto wont rev up?
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2018, 02:12:20 PM »
im on it wingtime, rebuilt the carbs, same problem, back home rebuilt the fuel pump, same problem, dug into the wiring bingo! two yellow wires coming from stator burnt together, ran the ohms meter and stator shows bad, 1 side in spec the other going to ground. trigger, stator, regulator showed up in the mail today, installing tonight hope it works.. if not youll be able to see the smoke when i set her on
01 Aquasport Tournament Cat


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