What's happening here?
Quote from: boatnamesue on May 11, 2017, 07:35:09 PMWhat's happening here?Good question. I'm not sure what you're saying. Which battery was the power source?1, 2, or 3?When was the last time any of the batteries were fully charged? A little more detail on how they are wired together. Pic?
Work with us here.Is there a battery switch in your setup?Can you describe how your system is wired? Starting battery, house battery and what does the third battery do?Pics????Whatever wiring setup you have, you can always remove the #1 battery and have it load tested. If you wish to do this yourself with a volt meter, then make it your starting battery and see if the engine will crank. You can also measure the voltage while cranking (a second set of hands will help) and post what you find. You stated the battery is only a few months old so it must be under warranty. Take it to your place of purchase and have them confirm its condition and function at the terminals. If it tests good then you need to look at your wiring and connections.Good luck.