I may add one more windlass control switch on the boat - in the aft. Currently I have one up front by the anchor, one in the cabin by the actual locker (for knots) and one on the helm dash. The reason I would like one in the aft is for the times I drop anchor and then back into a beach. When I back in I leave the windlass loose as I back in and then I head to the aft and toss the rear anchor (hopefully close to the beach) and tie it off. If I had a switch at the aft I could then just press the retrieve button and start pulling the boat back out until the rear line is where I need it to be and I'm right there in case I need to let more rear line out. Right now I have to run up to the helm to retrieve and back to the aft to let out more. It would be more convenient. There is only one control box and you run light wired switches to the box. 4 switches is the way to go, for my Explorer anyway.