first i want to say this forum is amazing and ive learned a ton from reading through builds. its about time to do my transom on my 1968 19-6 gull. at least thats what the title of the boat says. here is a general game plan.
should i cut my gunwales or try to take the whole gunwale cap off? after that im going to cut the deck back and cut the stringers back. what should i refill the stringers with after? after i get all the old rotted wood out do i lay some 1808 biaxial on the inside of the outer skin, or should i just bond my new core to the skin a layer of cabosil? as far as the core im going with 2 pieces of 3/4 marine plywood and going to assembly in this order- plywood-1808-3/4oz CSM-plywood clamp it and let it cure overnight does that sound correct? then im going to put 2 layers of 1808 on each side of the new core. after thats all set i plan on dry fitting the core then bonding it to the skin with a layer of cabosil. after that is clamped in and cured i going to run a fillet around the new core with some cabosil with fiber then tab it in with one layer of 1808. after that im going to put 2 more layers of 1808. as far as scuppers. my current ones are cracked and below waterline. should i put scuppers in again or leave them out?
thanks for any info and help!!!!
heres a few pictures of it