Well change of plans. Ditched the reusing of original hatches and frame, just as much work to rebuild em and I don't think theyd insulate as well as they need to...Glued in some 1" Plascore and glassed. 2x1200 and some finish cloth (overkill but I want this thing indestructible) Rather would have used some foam but had the plascore already..Expanding foam in the corners. (packing tape on a pvc pipe gave the radii)1.5" threaded drainThen after it stiffened up I cut the original flange off and started on a new lip/gasket surface. Routed out the plascore from the top about 1" deep and poured foam in the cavity between the skins, then blocked the whole box to make sure the top edge was even all the way around.The sides are a lil wavy but I took out all I could. It was horrible when I got it..New lid is some 2" foam I had laying around. Routed it out to mate with the lip and "core it" at the same time. Kind of a pain to glass! (2x1700 and 6oz)Then ill cut the outside of the lid down to match the box sides and lay up the topside..
Looks like a refrigerator
She'll be about 105 when its done. About the same as the girls i TRY to get onboard haha. Boat really needs weight in the bow...