Try the separate fuel tank with fresh fuel to isolate the main fuel system as root cause and see if it runs better. Is your primer bulb going flat when the engine is only turning 4200 at WOT? Once you conclude this isn't a fueling issue or it is, go from there. I'm leaning towards a bad coil pack. Your engine has two coils that provide ignition for 4 cylinders. One of them could be bad and you're loosing fire. They are behind the plastic cover in the rear of the engine. These coils do develop cracks and the coil can short to ground through the crack. Try running the engine on a flush and pull of each plug wire one at a time and hold the wire, with insulated pliers and see if the fire will jump to the plug when held about 3/8 to 1/2 inch away from the plug tip. Also look to see if the coil lights up and starts arching to the block through a crack or leaking wire or boot. Removing the wire from the plug makes the electricity find an easier ground path and may show the problem.