I may be a unique case as I like to read all the rebuilds and chime in where I can. With that said I have to say I liked the old format better for that purpose. Yes, the new format catalogs and separates the categories better for research but I definitely feel disconnected from the most recent posts across all builds. I guess I will have to take more steps and click more topics to see what everyone is up to.... But will everyone else? Will the person who may have a great answer to my generic dilemma navigate many pages and topics to find me as easily as they did when it's was all under one topic? There is a ton of useful overlap that applies to fiberglass boats in general which may be lost in the new sectionalizing of the site. It may have made it easier to search a specific model but I think the group dynamic will suffer and replys will diminish greatly. Sorry to be a downer but I feel disconnected from the builds I was following. Maybe it will grow on me and I will have an " ah ha" moment on how it works now but I liked the prior format better.