thanks Guys, appreciate all the detail. For those who went for the surgery, what was the end result? Any structural comprises? Reason I'm asking is the owner is going to fix the boat - based upon what the yard see's when opening it up - either a new tank or a repair (under the assumption it is a weld that went bad). Interested in hearing your thoughts on this last point.
thanks all for the good info /detail and advice - here's the latest - the owner has repaired the tank - accomplished by welding in two formed pieces over the area where it was leaking (end caps on the bottom). Welds look very professional and very clearn. Aside from these two areas, the tank looks new. To test it, they fully filled it with water and it is has held for the past 3 days w/ no issues. I'll look at the url you've provided to get a sense of the recomended re-installation - and will pass that onto the surveyor and the yard who's doing the work. If I do not move forward w/ the boat, at least, if the recommendations are followed, the next owner won't be in too bad a position.
tank was pressure tested by the machine shop doing the work , tank was filled and has held 141 gallons of water with no loss. KO