Bryan, THANKS for pointing this out to your e-bay compatriots.The port side at rest is burning a -load of fuel. The starboard side at rest is burning considerably less fuel....either it's defective, or....Is there an engine synchronizer in the box too?We may need to revise our bids. Think what that gauge will show when the twins are off and running
To be honest Scott 0-24 GPH is probably kind of a high gauge range or resolution for your twins. With that high of a range you will have a harder time fine tuning things when your only going to be in the 6-8 gph per side range. I'm not sure what the next lower flow rate gauge flow scan makes. In a perfect world you want a gauge that has the needle right in the middle when you are in the normal operating range.
Scotty, you are WAY too generous!!
Quote from: "seabob4"Scotty, you are WAY too generous!! Thank you sir! But hey....what are friends for??
Damn!!!! I knew I shoulda called Lewis back yesterday. Maybe he already shipped the gauge to Mulberry
Wish Ebeneezer had never called me about this. It has been on my mind all day. To be promised something you've always dreamed of, then having it snatched from really hurtful.