Congrats Bob,You have selected an engine that will test every skill you have aquired in life. A great project if you are willing to dedicate the time. All the basics have been covered so no need to go there. The wiring will be shot which is right up your alley. Join our forum below and get ready for the download of knowledge over there about this engine. You will be amazed at what you will find. Retired Mercury engineers, factory techs, and yes, Charlie Strang is still alive and posts on our site. You should see what these guys do with your engine. From junk to museum quality. Get the serial number and post these pictures and hang on! ... ive_topics
I do have the original control box, throttle seems to operate pretty well but can't budge the shift lever. I'll get the cables removed later on, then see how the shift linkage moves on the motor as well as the lever on the box.Farl, I assume you are familiar with the DR motors...