The bigger they got... in conjuction with later production... the better the stringers. Our 222 CCP members report minimal issues with their stringer systems, other than external tabbing breaking loose near the transom...and that isn't the norm.
If you're concerned about waterlogged stringers on your 27....jack up the bow this winter, and drill a 3/8ths inch hole low as possible in the inboard arse end of each stringer in the bilge....and see what comes out.
Aquasport ended up with a beefcake stringer system. We've had CCP rebuilds lately...the guys weren't even addressing the stringers. They weren't pierced from the top, therefore weren't leaking or waterlogged.
A complete stringer rebuild on your 27 would also entail a new deck..while she's ripped apart may as well do the transom too...Heavy money when she's de-rigged, gutted, rebuilt, motors reinstalled, re-rigged, new wiring, pumps, paint, etc, etc, etc. As they say, time is money.
If it ain't broke, don't fix it
Shoot us some pics. Good luck