OK JD, look similar to this?
viewtopic.php?p=37022#p37022On my 91, the fuel line ran (still does after replacement) from the pick up along the top of the tank to the rear bulkhead of the tank compartment. At that point, it penetrates this bulkhead and then travels along the inside of the starboard stringer. It is attached to the stringer with hose supports like these.
http://www.westmarine.com/webapp/wcs/st ... Vr6vzemx7wIt then enters from the bilge through the passage between the stringer and transom.
Your boat has the Euro Transom and you can't remove the hatches to access the bilge area as can be done on the 91-93 model EXs so....
You may have to abandon the existing line and run a new one (might be tricky) on a slightly different route. I've attached a file of your stringer layout from the 94 catalog. This page exists in the Photo Gallery under "1994 catalog". It's not the easiest to read but I'm hoping that by attaching the file, you can save to your computer, open it with a photo editor and enlarge. In any case, note two things.
First, the line drawing on the catalog sheet shows the tank location.
Second, the photo of the guy glassing (I guess) gives you a good visual of the stringer/bulkhead layout. Euro Transom section aside, it is a mirror copy of my 91 layout.
You may need to snake the hose though the notch on the stringer (there's) one on either side of the tank and work back to whatever side your water separator/filter is located. My concern would be line attachment to reduce the chance of chafing.
Hope this helps, at least from an understanding of your model's construction.
Good luck.