Cat: I'm not sure if the Optis have the same ignition system, but most V6 Mercs have 2 switchbox units, each firing 3 cylinders. It sounds like you have a bad switchbox. Sometimes the switchbox will fire at idle, but won't work at higher RPM. Usually a coil fails outright. To see if it's a coil, just disconnect one spark plug lead at a time. You know which cylinder is problematic if you disconnect one and it makes no difference in idle. Once you isolate the cylinder, you can see if it's a bad wire, loose connection, or coil. Hope this helps - good luck!
"Our" ignition systems were completely redesigned in '97 with a new CDI / Coil module as one assembly per cylinder, so bye bye to the switchbox design. I'm not up to speed on OPTi's and troubleshooting them beyond normal diagnostic protocol.
Quote from: "fitz73222" "Our" ignition systems were completely redesigned in '97 with a new CDI / Coil module as one assembly per cylinder, so bye bye to the switchbox design. I'm not up to speed on OPTi's and troubleshooting them beyond normal diagnostic protocol.I hate it when that happens. :evil: