But trying to work it a little in reverse. I will end up with the LCG at the intended location. I have everything out the boat now, just down to the bare hull, so doing the balancing act will not work to find the original CG now. The LCG should be somewhere in the area of 40% of the planing surface --measured from the stern. SO that is probably under the console or near there. I was planning on moving the fuel tank a little forward from original location to compensate for the additional 12 or so inches the outboard will be hanging off the transom. I just don't want the boat to run stern heavy. I have seen to many boats, originally designed for transom mounted outboards, with brackets and the stern dragging low in the water.I am putting a larger fuel tank under the deck and adding a paralift. These additions will alter the location of the weight the boat is carrying. I think proper placement of this weight is key to the boat operating as it was designed. I think I can figure it out, by playing with it, finding the LCG by determining where the LCG was with the original tank and engine placement, but it never hurts to ask for more info.
Quote from: "orb353" The gofasters with 1.2E57 hp all squat at rest..Good Luck...
The gofasters with 1.2E57 hp all squat at rest..Good Luck...
Is there a name for that number? Like 12 trillion gazillion
Quote from: "dburr"Quote from: "orb353" The gofasters with 1.2E57 hp all squat at rest..Good Luck...That would be 1,200,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 horsepower! Yep, that would go! Like to see those motors. :twisted:
Gentlemen, I do beleave that number is called "a Brazilian"... (Fletch that one is for you)