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Author Topic: Another transom question  (Read 2286 times)

June 06, 2011, 10:28:09 AM
Reply #15


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Re: Another transom question
« Reply #15 on: June 06, 2011, 10:28:09 AM »
Well after looking at the problem again this weekend and planning on the transom bracket I knew I had to fix the crack somehow, even if I was going to put the bracket on.  Went to the local auto parts store looking for something to seal the crack with (maybe bondo or something like it).  Spoke to the store owner about my problem and he put me on to a resin that worked out great.  I ended up pulling back the fiberglass on the transom as far back as I could with out breaking it and filled between it and the plywood (dry by the way) with a heavy duty construction adhesive, then clamped and let it cure for 24 hours.  Took the clamps off and solid as a rock.  Mixed up some resin and repaired the crack and sanded down, then primed.  All in all it came out great......don't even think I am going to make up a bracket at all.

I added the pics to my album.  Still not sure how I can upload individual pics.

June 06, 2011, 11:56:38 AM
Reply #16

Capt. Bob

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Re: Another transom question
« Reply #16 on: June 06, 2011, 11:56:38 AM »
Quote from: "MartiPop"
Still not sure how I can upload individual pics.

It's all in the wrist.

Ya got the Photo Bucket down so.......

Read the following carefully. Step #5 is the most important!!!! And depending on the Forum site "mood" you may still receive a "size error" message even when you do everything right. It ain't you my friend but this site so don't get flustered. Again, read and follow the directions exactly as written.

Now, once you understand how Photo Bucket works and you still can't post pics, try this.
Read steps carefully. :idea:

1: Go to your Bucket account (you need one to post photos on this forum), open and double click on a photo you have downloaded to the site.

2. Place cursor on the top left of photo, tool bar will appear, place cursor on EDIT then click on RESIZE

3. In a few moments a new window will open (call it the re-size window) with your photo and a tool bar above it.
Note the current photo size in the tool bar.Since this site (Classic Aquasport) limits posted photos to 800 pix wide X 600 pix long you must re-size it in order to post it, if it is larger than that. So.....

4. Photo Bucket has preset sizes you can use. They are in a 4:3 ratio and you will notice them in the toolbar just below the width measurement. Also notice that you can manually enter the pixel size for both width and height. Also note that there are two selections you can make when manually selecting the number of pixels. Unless you're a photo genius :roll: make sure you have the "proportion" button highlighted (little red dot to the left). This keeps your photo in the standard 4:3 ratio mentioned above. Why is this important? Under normal conditions, you hold the camera in the standard position and your photo is taken in the 4:3 ratio. Tilting the camera on end alters the width to height ratio. By leaving the proportion button highlighted, you can enter 600 px in the height box and the width will automatically change for a proper photo size.

5. This is where most members screw up. :o After you set the proper size you must do two (2) additional steps. First, click on the APPLY button on the right side of the tool box. Nothing much will seem to happen. Now scroll down and click on the Replace Original button. It's located underneath and to the right of your photo. If you do not complete this step, you will never place the proper size photo on the Aqua site. This is the thing most members do not do.

6.After clicking on the Replace Original button, the screen will take a few moments to do its thing and a new window will magically appear. Scroll down and look to the right and you will notice several options for "sharing your photo". Click on the last (IMG) one and notice how a little yellow box appears to the left saying "copied".
(Note) Recently, PH has added a pop up window that "pops up" before you can scroll down to copy your photo. It appears to be for "sharing" also but don't be tempted by the "Dark Side". Just hit "cancel" in this window and then you will be able to navigate (see) to the "old" share your photo window and the IMG line. That's what you want to click on (as stated above).

That's it, you're done.
Go back to your post and place your re-sized photo into the post where you want it by pushing "Ctrl + V" (at the same time) and it will appear as code. By previewing your post before submitting, you can check that you did everything correctly.

Remember, you will use the "EDIT" drop down box to get to the "RESIZE" window.
DO NOT use the "RESIZE" drop down box. Why, I have no idea but it is what it takes to get the pics to this site.
Capt. Bob
1991 210 Walkaround
2018 Yamaha 150 4 Stroke
"Reef or Madness IV"

June 06, 2011, 12:13:50 PM
Reply #17


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Re: Another transom question
« Reply #17 on: June 06, 2011, 12:13:50 PM »
Thanks for all your help Capt.


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