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Author Topic: Engine problems - need some help  (Read 1581 times)

September 05, 2005, 08:18:59 AM
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Engine problems - need some help
« on: September 05, 2005, 08:18:59 AM »
Hopefully we have a few evinrude/marine mechanics among us.  Seems my '88 110 V4 has stopped running at it's best and since I'm no mechanic, I'm stumped.  
It seems to have started one trip when I bought fuel at a marina but could just be a coincidence.
The motor starts up fine but seems to not have any upper rpm power. Under load (not on a hose but in the water and idling out of the ramp), you can hear a miss in the rhythm and the position of the throttle where it now shows 2k rpm should be more like 3k.  When you push her to WOT (to come out of the hole) she sounds like there's only 2 (maybe one) of the 4 cylinders running.  As she sputters, I ease off the throttle and then she starts to kick in and finally starts running on more cylinders - not sure if all but seems to run normal/near normal.  Ran it for 14 miles in the gulf yesterday at midrange and WOT, fuel used was higher than normal but seemed to run ok.  When I come back off plane, idle for a while and then try to go back on plane the sputtering starts again.
What I've done so far - I've changed the plugs, the wires and have checked to make sure I have spark at each plug.  The lower plugs seem to foul/have more oil & gas on them, yet have spark.   Don't know if they have enough spark, if there is such a thing.  I've also sprayed a can of carb cleaner into all 4 carbs thinking it might be an air/fuel mixture thing - no help. Also put cleaner into the gas.
Since then I have also replaced the internal wiring harness (was losing all it's insulation - if you looked at it the wrong way some would fall off - looked unsafe) - seemed to go together wire for wire although I did have to modify it a bit.  I do have one wire left unattached with no apparent place for it to go. Seems to have one more wire than the original harness???
I hate to keep changing parts due to ignorance - the next would be the 4 coils?
Any ideas?  Thanks in advance.
1971 "170" with 115 Johnson (It's usable but not 100% finished)

1992 230 Explorer with 250 Yamaha

September 05, 2005, 05:12:12 PM
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« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2005, 05:12:12 PM »
My 97 Johnson would sometimes run on half the cylinders b/c the shift interrupter switch was getting stuck.  I'm not even sure if an 88 V4 has this switch, but it may be something to try.

September 05, 2005, 08:16:43 PM
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« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2005, 08:16:43 PM »
Quote from: "scott_gunn"
My 97 Johnson would sometimes run on half the cylinders b/c the shift interrupter switch was getting stuck.  I'm not even sure if an 88 V4 has this switch, but it may be something to try.

Do you mean the neutral safety switch?  
I'll take a look at the Chiltons and see what it says about where this "shift interrupter switch" is.  Thanks Scott.
1971 "170" with 115 Johnson (It's usable but not 100% finished)

1992 230 Explorer with 250 Yamaha

September 07, 2005, 10:55:10 PM
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« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2005, 10:55:10 PM »
I've got an '85 115 Rude which is almost the same motor.  I had similar problems this year with losing upper end power - I feared the worst and went through everything.  It turned out to be some cracked fuel hose just before primer bulb.  Air was getting into the fuel lines causing the check valve in primer bulb not to open all the way and thus causing fuel starvation.  Worth a quick check - I would also check all fuel lines to make sure your not getting air in any where else.

If you can't find the answers yourself ask the doctor over at  - very helpful guy.
1985 Osprey 170

October 16, 2005, 08:16:27 PM
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« Reply #4 on: October 16, 2005, 08:16:27 PM »
Try Enter your problem in the johnson evinrude forum. There are many experts there that can help. I will follow it there.

Sounds to me like you have a needle valve going bad in the lower carb.
When you pump the bulb does it get hard?

I would go through the carbs and put j/e kits in them. They are a piece of cake just get a factory manual for the motor. Again put your forum on the website I listed It is a great site an a large group of people.

You can also search that site for similar problems on other peoples motors.

October 17, 2005, 05:15:29 AM
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« Reply #5 on: October 17, 2005, 05:15:29 AM »
After reading the responses and checking a few forums, I replaced the primer bulb and it seemed to run better.  Put it in the water and found it was doing the same thing.  I then did a compression test and found it to have good compression (105) on 3 out of 4 cylinders - the 4th was at 75  :cry: I traded the motor in on a totally rebuilt 115 Johnson ('98 - 10 years newer).  I will get it back this Friday and should be good to go for a few years.
Thanks for your input,
1971 "170" with 115 Johnson (It's usable but not 100% finished)

1992 230 Explorer with 250 Yamaha


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