Quote from: "slvrlng"Hey Kevin, The splatter paint is probably not paint but actually gelcoat sprayed with a special tip on the gelcoat gun. I sprayed gelcoat through a big tip on a regular spray gun and added "stringing" additive (I think it is called that) to put a speckle on the 170. You might try a flap sander wheel on a grinder - it'll take it off fast.
Hey Kevin, The splatter paint is probably not paint but actually gelcoat sprayed with a special tip on the gelcoat gun.
...hopefully you wont have to fill anything...
Hey kris craft!Two things,First, this is an Aquasport site.Second, (as capt. bob) would say, this post is USELESS WITHOUT PICS
Dam what and A$$ho!e.Like I already told Kevin, Its no excuse but I quit Tobacco (Dipping) cold turkey on Monday the 18th and it really made me pissed off at the world. I was an a$$ho#e to everyone including my family. (i know, I know) I got drunk for the first 5 days when I came home from work. Those first five days were a complete FOG to me. I dont recall even posting, actually slvring was the one who told me about my post and asked me whats up with me. So here I am to say;Sorry if I offend anyone, it was not my intention.