Double H,A few questions.The single battery has the positive lead running where? To the selector switch above it?How many wires are running out of this (the single battery) switch? The double battery switch has two wires running into it, one from each battery positive post?Does this switch have two wires running out the bottom middle with one each going to each motor?
What would really help is some pictures.Never having had a twin engine boat, I'm not sure how it is wired to start but.... Based on my wiring, I came up with one that would work for both engines (I think) off a single switch (two batteries) and use the solenoid to tie in the third (single) battery for emergency starting. Rick is right, no matter what color wire was used on the solenoid posts, it didn't go from the positive post of one battery to the negative post of another so....Pics man, we need pics.