Hey everyone. I am an classic boat fanatic. Even as a kid I loved the older hulls. I finally bought a project boat and as there are few resources for Delta Conic hulls I am interloping here and on the Classic Mako Forum; hope you don't mind.
I am a big time Aquasport fan too, not to worry. Growing up we had a 19-6. When my dad sold it to one of his friends I became his deck hand. Fished that boat for about 15 years in all.
The current project is a 1980 North American C-22. I started a little blog on its restoration, you can check it out at
http://www.seabird22.wordpress.com To my question. I am not happy with the deck on the North American, there is a bit more flex in it that I like. Actually in some spots it felt like the deck was rotted when i first walked on it. As it turns out its just that they used thinner plywood then they should have and the deck is worn out.
I was thinking of using Coosa's Bluewater board to replace the deck as opposed to going back in with glass over plywood. Has anyone had any experience with Coosa for deck material? What are your thoughts?
I appreciate the input.