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Author Topic: 195 DC power?  (Read 515 times)

May 27, 2009, 10:49:01 AM
Read 515 times


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195 DC power?
« on: May 27, 2009, 10:49:01 AM »
My 1995 195 DC is pretty much "underpowered" with a Johnson 112 (purchased as a boat/motor unit in '95) but I've kept the outfit for some  14 yrs because I really like the boat and the hours I put on the motor simply havent justified the expense and effort of installing anything different...I've asked about different props but am always told that what I'm using is the right fit (13 3/4x 15 )  Max rpms is about where it should be and top end is ok...but she's just really slow to get up and when loaded w/fuel and a few extra lbs she sometimes doesnt want to fall over...also have to pay really close attention when trying to run at slow/moderate speeds. Keep in mind though that this motor has amazingly low hrs  for its age and I know I'd never get its true worth in a trade...I now have an opportunity to purchase (at a bargain basement price) an '01 Evinrude 225 from a friend who went 4-stroke on his offshore rig...I wouldn't normally consider a used motor but I know this one is sound..  My boat's rated 150 max which is hard to understand since these boats are pretty heavy for the 19-20' class arent they?  Saw one on ebay with Merc 200 last nite..Anybody got any advice?

May 27, 2009, 05:48:45 PM
Reply #1


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Re: 195 DC power?
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2009, 05:48:45 PM »
Check the nameplate - is 150 really the max HP rating?  Seems low, but by '95 there were different Genmar models...   If the max is 150, you could have some real problems with insurance if you try to go up to 225.  If you are currently insured, you have to notify the company if you change the terms of insurability.  Boat insurance covers a specified hull (HIN), motor (serial number), and/or trailer (title or VIN).  The insurance company can dely a claim if you have changed the motor (especially going above nameplate rating!) and not notified them of the change.   :(
Cap'n John
1980 22-2 CCP
Mercury 200 Optimax 
"Gone Fission"
ClassicAquasport Member #209

May 27, 2009, 10:04:35 PM
Reply #2


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Re: 195 DC power?
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2009, 10:04:35 PM »
The boat's stored a couple of hours away so I can't check the plate right away, but 150 max is what it reads unless my memory fails if 112-115 isnt enough and 150 is the upper limit,  there really arent a whole lot of options if one goes "by the book."  I was just hoping that someone might be familiar with this model and could offer some insight as to weight limitations etc.  I'm also concerned about transom strength compared with the "flatback" versions...the molded dive platform was apparently abandoned after a couple of years and I've wondered if there were underlying reasons...Is her transom  even stout enough to carry the larger motor?...It'd be easy enough to look up the weights of both motors but still a guess as to whether the 225 is too heavy unless someone's more familiar with this model Aquasport and its capabilities.  Guess I just hate to pass up an power's pretty pricey!


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