Rick and Capt'n John she's done!.....well cept for a few little things. Rewiring is complete, new sensor, all recommendations followed, holes drilled where you told me, no explosions, gas tank was a special order 100 gal jewel when built, still looks new, no gas fumes,all wires numbered and logged, all circuits fused in WP panel, all switches labeled etc. etc runs and looks like an 18 yr old virgin.
Boat porn to follow shortly, honest.
Sorry for the delay, was interrupted by couple of clogged arteries, had 4 replumbed in May, as good as new these days.
Retirement plans to move to Fairhope tabled until markets return from insanity, Sláinte's in the Tennessee, and we'll fish fresh water for awhile.
Sure have dressed things up while I was gone. Trying to get back on was like trying to get in my wifes' checking account on line. Whew!!!